Some of the committees at Trinity work behind-the-scenes. Their work is essential and keeps the church going, but most of us don’t even know that they are at work. This is not the case with the Missions Committee, whose work is often visible and offers opportunities for participation.
The Missions Committee makes sure that Trinity fulfills our obligation to spread the love of God by providing opportunities in 3 areas:
1. Mission Education- helping us to be better informed, more knowledgeable, and more motivated for missions.
2. Mission Experiences- participating by addressing needs in our community, country, and the world.
3. Mission Support- funding mission outreach locally through our congregation and globally through the United Methodist Church.
Multiple groups within the church carry out missions through service projects and monetary donations United Methodist Men and Women, Congregational Care, our children and youth, Sunday School classes, and others. We are a mission-minded congregation! The Mission Committee, led by Shannon Creighton, is charged with coordinating, and sometimes planning, mission events throughout the year.
In keeping with our United Methodist tradition, we believe that “Love of God is always linked with love of neighbor.” We all can show that love through opportunities provided by our Missions Committee. If you are interested in helping plan and organize those opportunities, Trinity is always looking for more people to serve in the Missions activities. Contact Kathryn in the church office.
Ideas for mission outreach, local and beyond, are welcomed and encouraged. Recent efforts have benefitted the Total Ministries ( and St. Luke's Free Medical Clinic ( Trinity offers ongoing financial support to the Bethlehem Center and Total Ministries through the Missions Budget. We collect special offerings each year for Epworth Children's Home in Columbia and for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). There have been numerous regional and international mission work trips in the past, including Salkehatchie Summer Service. Some of these have restarted after a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.